Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah

Selamat datang di Pulau Bali, salah satu tujuan wisata yang terbanyak dikunjungi wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara. Pulau Bali merupakan Pulau kecil yang hanya memiliki luas 6 jam mengemudi dari Barat ke Timur. Pulau Bali juga hanya 3 jam ditempuh dari Bali selatan ke Bali utara. Terdapat pulau-pulau kecil lagi di selatan pulau Bali yaitu; Pulau Lombok, Pulau Nusa Penida, Pulau Nusa Ceningan dan Pulau Nusa Lembongan. Sedangkan di Pulau Lombok - Nusa Tenggara Barat, terdapat deretan kepulauan lagi disebut Gili, terdiri dari Gili Meno, Gili Air, Gili Trawangan dan Gili Gede serta banyak lagi Gili-gili lainnya. Pulau-pulau kecil tersebut dapat kita kunjungi dengan menyeberang dari Pulau Bali dengan kapal cepat Fast Boat, Ferry dari pelabuhan padang bay atau kapal pesiar mewah serta kapal layar atau Yacht.

Pulau Lombok misalnya, dapat langsung terhubung melalui kapal pesiar dari Pelabuhan Benoa, Tanjung Benoa dan Pelabuhan Padangbai. Pulau Nusa Penida, Nusa Ceningan serta Nusa Lembongan sangat menarik dikunjungi untuk kita yang menenangkan diri dari hiruk pikuk kerja kantoran serta kegiatan sosial lainnya. Karena disana terdapat air jernih serta terumbu karang nan mempesona. Dapat kita saksikan langsung dari atas kapal pesiar atau turun berenang bersama ikan-ikan dengan snorkeling gear (alat kaca mata renang). Jika berkenan melihat biota bawah laut, bisa menyewa alat-alat menyelam Diving Gear disertai instruktur dive master berpengalaman. Pulau Bali tidak saja memikat dari tradisi dan budaya, namun pesona alam sekitar memberikan sentuhan kedamaian bagi warga serta wisatawan yang berlibur. Nikmati indahnya wisata alam sekitar Pulau Bali bersama Sastra Bali yang telah berpengalaman selama 15 tahun dalam pelayanan jasa wisata.

Kini disewakan kapal boat memancing atau diving, serta kapal yacht pesiar mewah untuk memenuhi ketenangan Anda berlibur. Jangan lewatkan hot deal serta deal - deal keren yang menenangkan kocek Anda melalui +6281558812345 atau +623612183183 email :;

Selamat berlibur dan semangat kami selalu hadir untuk ketenangan wisata Anda. Salam Sastra Bali.

Sewa Alphard; Sewa Vellfire; Sewa Yacht; Sewa Mercy; Sewa Innova; Sewa Elf; Sewa Trailer; Sewa Kamera; Sewa Harley-Davidson; Sewa Baju Adat Bali; Sewa Camry; Sewa Fortuner; Sewa BMW; Sewa Helicopter; Sewa Jet Pribadi; Sewa Body Guard; Sewa Hotel; Sewa Dive Gear; Sewa Boat; Sewa Kapal Layar.

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
Managing Director

CV. Sastra Alphard Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Banjar Penatahan
Desa Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Bali

+6281558812345 • +623612183183

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Printing and Advertising Bali

Design, Printing Bali, Advertising Bali as you wish. Call Sastra for more design informations that suits on your company value. Design, Printing Bali, Advertising Bali cherish the business with print it on x- banner, brochures, banner, photo paper, large format for billboard, street banner, name card, printing for business cards, flyer printing, street advertising, magazine printing, books printing, etc. Design, Printing Bali, Advertising Bali pleased to pick up design for minimum purchase at Rp.2,500,000 up. Design, Printing Bali, Advertising Bali also served you a delivery service door to door of the material that finished art works.

See you soon with Design, Printing Bali, Advertising Bali expertise. Take care.

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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Sewa Harley-Davidson Rental

Sewa Harley-Davidson Rental in Bali that you can ride the magic with Sastra Bali. Sewa Harley-Davidson Rental offers 8 hours daily ride service, with or without rider escort. Sewa Harley-Davidson Rental will make your holiday even more fascinating this seasons. Today Balinese brotherhood is preparing Galungan ceremony, after Nyepi silent day had passed at 12 March 2013. Ride the Big Bike with Sastra Bali to capture the moment of love in Balinese country road, where many children playing traditional games and their parents do farm at rice fields or coffee plantations and clove farm. Sewa Harley-Davidson Rental is presenting colorful Bali the island of love.

We have many range of Sewa Harley-Davidson Rental, you name it. Also Sewa Harley-Davidson Rental provide the big bike rental. Sure you have to know how to ride, our brothers would loved to give you a short course of Sewa Harley-Davidson Rental riding. Enjoy beautiful Balinese beaches, hills, landscape gorgeous views, Lakes and Balinese magic of dances and ceremonies. Sewa Harley-Davidson Rental may call via +6281558812345 and email

Thank you and Sewa Harley-Davidson Rental wishing you a fabulous holiday. Take care pals.

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
Managing Director

CV. Sastra Alphard Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Banjar Penatahan
Desa Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Bali

+6281558812345 • +623612183183

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Friday, March 15, 2013

For rent; Private Jet Plane and Luxury Yacht

Share | For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah, For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah, For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah, For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah, For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah, For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah,

For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah,  For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah, For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah,

For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah,  For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah, For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah,

For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah,  For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah, For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah, For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah, For rent Private Jet Plane, Luxury Yacht Rental, Sewa Jet Pribadi, Sewa Yacht Mewah, Sewa Kapal Pesiar Mewah,

+6281558812345 and +623612183183

Indonesian Yacht Charter is brought to you by Sastra Bali. Call Sas at +6281558812345 thank you.

Bay View Taman Mumbul

Share | The Silent Day celebrations had pass away this year 2013, now Balinese Hindhu heading another big celebrations called "Galungan and Kuningan" day that falls once in a six month. During these wonderful seasons Swiss-Belhotel Bay View Taman Mumbul proudly presents you a great hot deal to offer.  

Bay View at Taman Mumbul is so wonderful with charming sun rise during your breakfast served. Bay View Taman Mumbul also have an hotel rooms, suites and Bay View villas with private pool. Call Sastra Bali at +6281558812345 for 24 hours reservation.

More colorful beach nearby Bay View Villa at Taman Mumbul managed by Swiss-Belhotel International such as Fins beach, Karma Kandara beach, Namos beach club, Padang-padang beach, Balangan beach, Pecatu beach, Dreamland beach Pecatu Graha, G-Land Uluwatu beach, famous sun set at Uluwatu Kecak and Fire dance.


Tujuh Chakra Utama Manusia

Share | Om Suastiastu.

1. Chakra Mahkota (Sahasrara),
Apabila chakra mahkota yang terbuka dengan lebar maka seseorang dapat melakukan perjalanan astral dengan lebih mudah.

2. Chakra Mata Ketiga (Ajna), Fungsi : Penglihatan, penyatuan, Disfungsi : sakit k
epala, mimpi buruk, gangguan penglihatan
Disebut chakra mata ketiga karena chakra yang berkembang aktif & bersih dapat memberikan pewaskitaan 

3. Chakra Tenggorokan (Vishudda).
Seseorang dengan chakra tenggorokan yang berkembang akan memiliki pengertian yang mendalam mengenai hubungan antar sesama sehingga mempunyai hubungan yang baik dengan sesamanya

4. Chakra Jantung (Anahata), Seseorang dengan chakra jantung yang kotor akan memiliki kecenderungan egois, sombong, munafik & gelisah. Sedangkan chakra jantung yang berkembang dengan baik menyebabkan seseorang penuh dengan rasa cinta kasih & kasih sayang serta dapat berempati terhadap sesama.

5. Chakra Pusar (Manipura), Chakra pusar berkaitan erat dengan sifat-sifat yang membawa kecenderungan seperti iri hati, rasa malu, tidak puas, murung, benci & takut. Seseorang dengan chakra pusar yang bersih maka akan dapat mengatasi hal-hal seperti tersebut di atas & mengubahnya menjadi suatu yang positif seperti rasa aman, puas, gembira, nyaman & percaya diri.

6. Chakra Seks (Svadhisthana), Seseorang dengan Chakra Svadistana yang bersih dan aktif akan memiliki pikiran yang lebih positif serta percaya diri. Sebaliknya seseorang akan menjadi tidak perduli, kasar, berpikir negatif jika chakra seksnya kotor.

7. Chakra Dasar (Maludara),
Chakra dasar yang aktif maka seseorang akan cenderung untuk hidup dengan penuh semangat & motivasi & sebaliknya chakra dasar yang kotor akan hidup bermalas-malasan tanpa semangat bahkan memiliki kecenderungan untuk mudah putus asa.

Demikianlah Tujuh Chakra Utama manusia yang dapat kita bangkitkan serta kembangkan demi pelestarian kedamaian yang kini terasa hampir punah. Sastra Bali juga melayani penumbuhan kesadaran Tujuh Chakra Utama Manusia tersebut dengan melakukan olah nafas atau Pranayama setiap pagi baru bangun tidur serta siang hari Pranayama saat istirahat siang dan malam hari Pranayama saat berkenan tidur malam. Tujuh Chakra Utama Manusia tersebut mampu mengobati segala penderitaan kehidupan yang membuat Manusia makin bimbang dalam penentuan tujuan hidupnya.

Sastra Bali senantiasa aktif dalam pengembangan Chakra melalui wisata tradisi dan budaya yang dikemas dalam perjalanan wisata yang kini mulai ngetren seperti Sewa Alphard, Sewa Vellfire Putih untuk Wedding, Sewa Mercy untuk Wedding dan Konferensi, Sewa Camry untuk Konferensi, Sewa Fortuner untuk Pengawalan dan off road ke Jatiluwih, Bedugul, Kintamani atau Negara dan Candidasa Karangasem. Serta mobil mewah lainnya berikut sewa Pesawat Jet Plane Pribadi dan Yacht kapal pesiar mewah juga disewakan. Sastra Bali dapat dihubungi melalui hp. : +6281558812345 - +623612183183 serta;

Terima kasih dan semoga sehat berbahagia panjang umur selalu.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Swiss-Belhotel Tour package

tour itinerary that tailored made for You :
Day 01 : arrival - airport pick up - lunch or dinner - Swiss-Belhotel Bay View check in - free at leisure (L or D)
Day 02 : morning buffet breakfast at hotel - pick up at 10 am lobby
- visiting Bali's wonderful Kuta beach
- Taman Ayun the Royal Temple of Mengwi kingdom dated back to 16th century AD.
- Coffee plantations and other spices trekking, enjoy your paradise island's best Luwak coffee from its forest with free testing of Balinese coffee, Ginger tea, Ginger coffee, Chocolate natural drink, Lemon grass tea, etc.
- See the magic of Bali's Temple by the lake of Ulun Danu Beratan Temple, Bedugul village
- Lunch
- down to Bali's best views of Temple by the sea of Tanah Lot
- Romantic candle light BBQ sea food dinner while sun goes down at Tanah Lot
- back in Swiss-Belhotel Bay View at 10pm
- free at leisure
Day 03 : Nusa Dua Tour
- start at lunch time 1 pm
- water sport activities
- water blow Nusa Dua beach
- Julia Roberts' beach at padang-padang Labuan Sait
- Uluwatu the Temple by the cliff edge
- Kecak and Fire dance with sun set remarkable views
- Dinner
- back in hotel at 10pm
Day 04 : Kintamani a volcano Tour
- pick up at 10 am
- visiting Bali's best handicrafts at Krishna souvenirs
- enjoy the Balinese Silver smith village
- a visit to world's best Ralph Laurent design factory outlet
- visiting Ubud rice terrace at Ceking village, Tegalalang district
- enjoy the magnificent views of an active volcano of mount Batur at Kintamani village while you have your buffet lunch
- visit holy spring temple of Tirtha Empul, Tampaksiring village
- Dinner
- back in hotel at 10pm
Day 05 : Departure
- free morning time
- 12 noon pick up for departure
End of service

USD.799.00 net per person
All inclusive :
- Deluxe room at Swiss-belhotel Bay View
- daily breakfast
- meals as per itinerary
- tour guidance
- experienced driver
- New Toyota Avansa car
- return airport - hotel - airport service
- admission fees
- 21% tax and hotel service
Excluding :
- airlines ticket
- airport tax
- airport passenger service charges at Rp.150,000 per ticket
- airport fast track vip service at Rp.450,000 per person, per arrival or departure
- water sports activities
- Luwak coffee per cup at Rp.65,000
- up grading room at Swiss-Belhotel Bay View
- room service
- travel insurance
- telephone call
- laundry
- mini bar
- additional food & beverages
- temple donations
- any personal allowances
- etc.
You may please to call me directly regarding Your fascinating holiday dear fellows. Take care and looking forwards to hug you in our Paradise.

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
Tour Guide

+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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Man Power stand by. named Agung Alit

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Man Power stand by.

Nama : I Gst. A Alit Arya Adi
Tempat Lahir : Tabanan
Tanggal Lahir : 09-091985
Jenis kelamin : Laki-Laki
Agama : Hindhu Bali
Status : Single Belum Menikah
Alamat Rumah: Abiantuwung Kaja, Kediri - Tabanan
Zodiak : Virgo

Hobi : Olah Raga Bela Diri | Olah Raga Bola Voli | Berwisata | Bermusik | Menyanyi

Riwayat Pendidikan :
- Formal : SMA: SMU N 39 Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur..2003 | SMP: SLTP PGRI 1 Kediri - Tabanan...2000 | SD: SD N 2 Abiantuwung Kediri - Tabanan
- in-Formal : Kursus Bahasa Inggris Denpasar 2000 | Taekwondo Olah Raga Bela Diri Tabanan...2001-2005 | Bola Volly Denpasar 2004-2010

Makanan favorit : Telor
Minuman favorit : Es Daluman
Jenis Lagu : Pop Rock
Jenis Film : Aksi Laga


Ready to work.



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Welcome to Bali, the island of LOVE. The beach above as the Julia Roberts' beach at Padang-padang or Labuan Sait beach heading to Uluwatu Temple. And next to it also a famous beach named G-Land beach Uluwatu where the wedding chapel of Ritual Uluwatu located. EAT PRAY LOVE was the movie that taken shoot at Bali island start from Ubud art market, Ubud villa with the above Padang-padang beach Uluwatu village. The Julia Roberts was trusted her car limousine taking care by Sastra Bali Sewa Mercy on a Mercedez-Benz S-500 class year 2011 luxury black. Yes, I am Sastra Bali Sewa Mercy as Mercy rental or Mercedez-Benz rental in Bali and beyond. You can ask for Sastra a Sewa Mercy rental or even Hummer rental and Fortuner rental.

Julia Roberts during her stay also rent a truck trailer with Sastra Bali Sewa Alphard with some Toyota Alphard and Sewa Vellfire also. EAT PRAY LOVE become a hits movie box in Bali and around the globe. EAT PRAY LOVE shows how we treat ourselves and mother nature or environments. Sewa Mercy with Sastra Bali at +6281558812345 and +623612183183 or; make sure you copy and paste all the email address of Sastra Bali. Julia Roberts on EAT PRAY LOVE also watching how beautiful Bali at Jatiluwih rice terrace, Batukaru mountain trekking, a Hot spring spa at Tabanan with wonderful Temple by the Lake at Ulun Danu Beratan Bedugul. See you in Bali the island of Love.


Sewa Fortuner Bali

Sewa Fortuner Bali is one the Best Toyota Fortuner rental in Bali island and beyond. Sewa Fortuner Bali proudly presents Bali island's magic to your fascinating journey. We are the only one rental company that serve you more than you thought. Sewa Fortuner Bali brings you to sheer driving pleasure of Toyota Fortuner rental with driver service and including petroleum. Sewa Fortuner Bali island and beyond is at only Rp.1.650.000 or USD.190 net that serve you in 10 hours of sightseeing to explore Bali's magic and its tranquil scenery.

Sewa Fortuner Bali also give you or your Fortuner rental guests a free airport pick up service for a 6 days rental the Sewa Fortuner Bali. Sewa Fortuner Bali are looking forward to welcome you on the island of the Gods. Sewa Fortuner Bali is fulfill by the full air conditioner, DVD head, great sound system of music listening while riding, full leather seat that suits your comfortable sightseeing and Sewa Fortuner Bali experienced driver that emphasis your curiosity of how Bali's magic held on the island. Sewa Fortuner Bali could be reserved via Sastra Bali at +6281558812345 and email :; also Sewa Fortuner Bali at +623612183183 as my wireless mobile phone. Sewa Fortuner Bali had drive an executive guests from all over the globe, most of them would loved to explore Bali island to the decent places, highlands to do rain forest trekking and inspect the beautiful rice terraces all around Bali with its wonderful beaches that EAT PRAY LOVE movie had taken. Sewa Fortuner Bali are more than happy to make your holiday more wonderful and join our fascinating journey ever.

Thank you for enjoying Sewa Fortuner Bali rental that suits your life. Sewa Fortuner Bali is looking forwards to hug you back home - Bali. See you Sewa Fortuner Bali around.

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
Managing Director

CV. Sastra Alphard Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Banjar Penatahan
Desa Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Bali

+6281558812345 • +623612183183

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bali 11 days Lovely Tour

Bali 11 days Lovely Tours can be enjoyed with Sastra Bali New Avansa Car or New Toyota Innova
A) Avansa : USD.65
B) Innova : USD.95
*per 10 hours of services
**including petrol, my self as driver and pro-tour guide, parking fees.
***exclusions : donations, admission fees, porter fees, personal expenses, meals, hotel, etc.

Bali 11 days Lovely Tour itinerary such as :

Day 01 : arrival - airport pick up - villa check in - free time

Day 02 : daily bfast at villa - enjoy villa and surroundings area of Seminyak - visit legian nightlife

Day 03 : day sightseeing tour to Kintamani a Volcano of Mt. Batur - Holy Spring Temple - Ubud Puri Lukisan Painting museum - rice terraces - coffee Luwak and spices Paradise - Elephant Cave - back in villa - free

Day 04 : Nusa Dua peninsula beach water sport activities as on personal account - Padang-padang beach of Julia Roberts' scene - Uluwatu temple that is guarded by monkeys - Kecak and Fire dance at Uluwatu - BBQ sea food dinner at Jimbaran bay beach - back in villa

Day 05 : free a t leisure

Day 06 : Bedugul lake tour and trekking on Tanah Lot

Day 07 : Batukaru and jatiluwih rice terrace Tour

Day 08 : free

Day 09 : East coast of Candidasa tour, Oddyssey submarine tour,

Day 10 : Day Cruise with Bounty Cruise

Day 11 : Departure

Note : all the tour is at your personal account.

Bali 11 days Lovely Tour for villa rates and hotel hot deal rates. Quoted in USD, net, per villa per night :

1 Bed room private pool villa at USD. 165 net
2 Bed rooms private pool villa at USD. 225 net

3 Bed rooms private pool villa at USD. 345 net
4 Bed rooms private pool villa at USD. 525 net

5 Bed rooms private pool villa at USD. 755 net

6 Bed rooms private pool villa at USD. 1,525 net

7 Bed rooms private pool villa at USD. 2,525 net

8 Bed rooms private pool villa at USD. 3,825 net

Hotel hot deal rates :
4 stars hotel at USD.85
5 stars hotel at USD.159
5 stars resort at USD.450
net per room, per night.

All villa rates and hotel hot deal rates are subject to change and inclusively of daily breakfast, 10% value added tax, 11% of service, airport one way pick up to hotel, hotel amenities usage, pool towel, sun bathing chair, drinking water in room, bath amenities, Wi-Fi, 24 hours room service, 24 hours security service, safety deposit box, IDD telephone call, satellite TV, private pool for villa, shared swimming pool for hotel, daily house keeping service, etc.

Excluding : airport Vip fast track service at USD.45 per person, airlines tickets, daily sightseeing tours fee, tour guide fees, admission fees, car rental fees, car parking fees, etc.

Call us :
Best regards,
Gede Sastra
Tour Guide

+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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A night full of blackout on Nyepi the Day of Silence

Welcome to Balinese island of the Gods and Goddesses, Sewa Mercy proudly presenting A night full of blackout on Nyepi the Day of Silence this 12 March 2013. Started at 6 am until 6 am in 24 hours. The harbors are closed, even the airport of Ngurah Rai International is also being closed by the Balinese wisdom of though regarding to celebrates the day of silence to keep our balance between human and environments. In this Nyepi Day also as a celebrations of lunar calendar New Year of Aji Saka Calendar that also famous as Balinese Calendar that now falls at 1923 years. A night full of blackout on Nyepi the Day of Silence is happen all night long until 6 am that represents the love of Balinese to the mother nature and the universe in regards to minimize the global warming. And also the philosophy of the Balinese belief that to focusing our mind, body and spirit to the lights of the God which sparkling inside of our heart. Sewa Mercy Bali is wishing you guys a very happy Silent Day that would gived to you a fresher air, healthier water, tranquil weather and more peaceful of life. Sewa Mercy Bali is a Mercedez-Benz rental cars with all type of Mercedez-Benz rental such as Mercy C-200, C-250, E-200, E-280, Mercy S-200, Mercy S-500 the Luxurious one. Sewa Mercy Bali could be reach by hand phone at +6281558812345 and +623612183183 with e-mail via;

Sewa Mercy Bali is your fancy holiday after this Silent Day. Sewa Mercy Bali with Sastra Bali as the management of all the luxurious and fancy cars in Bali and beyond island. Sewa Mercy Bali also serving you with Stretched Limo, Hummer rental, Sewa Hummer, Sewa Fortuner, Sewa BMW X-5, Sewa BMW X-2, Sewa Kijang Innova Bali, Sewa Hummer Limo, Sewa Helicopter, Sewa Jet Plane, Sewa Truck Trailer, Sewa Harley-Davidson, Sewa Bus, Coach rental, Bus Rental, Sewa isuzu ELF, Sewa KIA Pregio, Sewa Avansa, Sewa Toyota Camry, Sewa Toyota Vellfire, Sewa Alphard, Sewa BMW Mini Cooper Cabriolet, with also Sewa Yacht, Sewa Private Cruise Ship rental and Sewa Fishing Boat rental.

Sewa Mercy Bali wishing you a good luck and get your best deal to our number below. Sewa Mercy Bali also taking care of major luxury villas in Bali and beyond such as Puspadewi Villa, Sastra Bali Villa 3 bed rooms at Seminyak at USD.350 net with minimum 5 nights of stay, and hundreds more fancy villas 3 bed rooms, 4 bed rooms, 1 bed room villa, 6 bed rooms villa, until 12 bed rooms villa for your wedding moments are also available for rent. Get wedding hot deal for your villa booking, a hot deal for free Mercedez-Benz C-200 to you !! Call Sastra Bali now. Thank you.

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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*** DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE ***                        



Take advantage of this wonderful service to make the most out of the time you have in Malaysia, and allow us to deliver you to your doorsteps offering you both convenience, affordability and most important, TIME!

AIRPORT TRANSFER GENTING HIGHLAND and KUALA LUMPUR no surcharge for early morning / Late night flights !

Get whisked away in comfort and style in our van / coach. We can travel from Airport to all attractions place in Kuala Lumpur City dropping you right at the doorsteps of your Hotel.

Departure time from Airport to Hotel                                                                  
*** will wait at Meeting Point 45 minutes before the ETA until 90 minutes after ETA. will wait for guests if flight delay.

Departure time from Hotel to Airport  

*** will design to arrive airport 100 - 180 minutes before airplane take off for international flight 

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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powered by GOD

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bima Nawa Ruci

Welcome to Bali island, an island that comes as the second most favorite destinations in the world. During your arrivals riding on to your hotel at Kuta, Seminyak or to Sanur, Ubud or Candidasa, you are going to pass this Bima Nawa Ruci Statue at the under-pass roundabout or famous as named Simpang Siur street. Bima Nawa Ruci Statue is the Father of Great Prince Gatot Kaca which you've been passed at the entrance or exit twin gates of Candi Bentar of Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali. Bima Nawa Ruci Statue tell us about the faith and the spirit that keeps in heart to get the Ambrocia or Nectar or the holy water which would kept the Gods in eternal live in-order to preserves this Universe from the evils' spirits. Bima Nawa Ruci Statue is one of the Panca Pandawas or the five brother-hood according to the Indian epic poem of Mahabarata. Bima Nawa Ruci Statue during his mission to get the holy water was attacked by the guardian of the milky ocean named Basuki dragon who as well as Lord Wishnu manifestation. The fighting is only to test Bima Nawa Ruci faith in truth that won by
Best regards,
Gede Sastra
Tour Guide

+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Malaysia - Singapore Tour Package at 5 Days 4 nights

Malaysia - Singapore Tour Package at 5 Days 4 nights

Guarantee Dept on Every Sunday 2 to Go SIC basis (INDONESIA Market) Sharing tour.

Tour Package: Malaysia - Singapore Tour Package at 5 Days 4 nights

Validity: until October 2013
Dep Date: Every Sunday
Tour Fare: USD. 490.00 / Person – Twin Sharing
Group Size: Min 2 Paxs

Malaysia - Singapore Tour Package at 5 Days 4 nights

Day 01
LCCT / KLIA – Kuala Lumpur (Dinner)
One Stop Twin Tower (Photo Group), King Palace, Independence Square, National Monument, National Mosque, Leather Shop, Cocoa Boutique, Bukit Bintang

Day 02
Kuala Lumpur – Genting Highland – Kuala Lumpur (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner)
Batu Cave, Duty Free Shop, Local Product Shop, transfer to Genting (Sky Way). Free Program, Transfer to Kuala Lumpur

Day 03
Kuala Lumpur - Malacca – Johor Bharu (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner)
The Stadhuys, Dataran Pahlawan, St Paul Hill, A Famosa, Jonker Street, Shopping at Johor Premier Outlet

Day 04J
ohor Bharu - Singapore (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner)
Visit Fountain of Wealth, Esplanade by the bay, Merlion Park, Raffles Landing Site, Bugis Junction, Souvenir Shop, Orchard Road, Song of the Sea

Day 05
Singapore – Changi Airport (Breakfast)
Transfer to Airport

Malaysia - Singapore Tour Package at 5 Days 4 nights
Package Include:
1) Transportation service (SIC)
2) 2 nights stay at Puteri Park Hotel, Kuala Lumpur or similar
3) 1 night stay at Grand Sentosa Hotel, Johor Bharu or similar
4) 1 night stay at Fragrance Selegie Hotel, Singapore or similar
5) Daily Breakfast, 3 x Lunch, 4 x Dinner (Halal Food)
6) Admission for Song of the Sea, Genting Skyway Ticket
7) Driver cum Guide (Malay / Indonesian Speaking)

Malaysia - Singapore Tour Package at 5 Days 4 nights
Package Exclude:
1) Tipping (USD3 per day per person)
2) Personal Expenses (Laundry, Telephone, Mini Bars)

For Reservation / Inquiry:

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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powered by GOD

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sewa Mini Cooper Bali

Share | Sewa Mini Cooper Bali,  Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, 

Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali,  Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, call Sastra Bali +6281558812345 dan 03612183183

Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, melayani wedding pernikahan, foto pre-wedding wardrobe, Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, juga melayani keperluan Mini Cooper shooting film, Mini Cooper shooting iklan dan sinetron. Sastra Bali menyediakan Sewa Mini Cooper dan Mini Cooper Cabriolet dengan atap bisa dibuka otomatis. Sewa Mini Cooper Bali, dibandrol dengan nilai Rp.3.900.000 + pajak 10% dan pelayanan 7% , Sewa Mini Cooper Bali melayani Anda selama 10 jam dimulai sejak jam stand by pada siang hari. Jika jam stand by pada sore atau malam hari, maka bea sewa tambahan dikenakan lagi 50% night fee dari harga Rp.3.900.000 menjadi Rp.5.850.000,-

Sewa Mini Cooper Bali tepat bagi Anda yang merindukan impian segera terwujud berwisata unik dan mewah di Pulau Bali. Sewa Mini Cooper Bali boleh dipesan via email

Sewa Mini Cooper BMW in Bali is only with Sastra Mini Cooper Bali, got cabriolet types. Rides your wishes in Bali island of paradise Brother ! And for your loved ones, don't wait, just call Sastra Bali Mini Cooper at +6281558812345 Looking forwards to welcome you in Bali island with Sewa Mini Cooper BMW for rent.

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Sewa Bus Bali

Sewa Bus Bali merupakan alternatif istimewa bagi wisatawan untuk menikmati keindahan Pulau Dewata sepekan musim ini bersama kerabat, teman-teman ataupun para relasi bisnis selama berlibur di Bali. Sewa Bus Bali memberikan pelayanan dalam Pulau, Sewa Bus Bali antar pulau dan Sewa Bus Bali jemput di luar pulau Bali untuk dilayani menuju Bali. Sewa Bus Bali mengundang Anda untuk menikmati indahnya panorama wisata alam serta seni dan budaya yang mentradisi sejak abad ke-3500 Sebelum Masehi di Pulau Bali. Sewa Bus Bali berkapasitas 45 orang, Sewa Bus Bali 30 orang, Sewa Bus Bali 20 orang, Sewa Bus Bali 14 orang dan Sewa Bus Bali 10 orang wisatawan.

Sewa Bus Bali melayani Anda dengan penuh pesona Bali yang akrab, Sewa Bus Bali dinamis serta menyenangkan. Sewa Bus Bali selalu menyempurnakan apapun kegiatan, acara dan wisata Anda di Pulau Bali kita tercinta. Sewa Bus Bali dapat dihubungi Sastra Bali juga boleh sekali di telp Sewa Bus Bali hp +6281558812345 Kami siap 24 jam pelayanan sebelum, saat dan sesudah hari wisata penuh kenangan Anda.

Sewa Bus Bali menantikan kehadiran Anda di Pulau Dewata dengan penuh kedamaian serta kekeluargaan. Sewa Bus Bali menjamin fasilitas Sewa Bus Bali yang terstandar wisatawan mancanegara dengan pengemudi yang berpengalaman dalam keselamatan mengemudi. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada Sewa Bus Bali dan sungguh suatu Kehormatan bagi Sewa Bus Bali disaat menyambut Anda di Bali. Terima kasih.

Pelayanan kami lainnya : Sewa ELF, Sewa Mercedez-Benz, Sewa Mini Cooper Cabriolet, Sewa Dhino 18 orang, Sewa Truck Trailer shooting film, Sewa harley-davidson, Sewa Hummer, Sewa yacht, Sewa Camry Bali, Sewa Vellfire Wedding, Sewa Alphard Wedding, Sewa Vios, Sewa Altis, Sewa Jazz, Sewa Honda CRV, Sewa Fortuner, Sewa Helicopter, dan segala tipe mobil mewah, sewa jaguar, sewa Audi, Sewa BMW X5, sewa Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, sewa Jeep 4 x 4, Sewa Land Cruiser dan lain sebagainya. Hubungi saja Sastra.

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
Managing Director

CV. Sastra Alphard Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Banjar Penatahan
Desa Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Bali

+6281558812345 • +623612183183

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Bali Safari and Marine park hot deal

Bali Safari & Marine Park

Safari - Lunch - Bali Agung = 1. 400.000 net/pax

Safari - Lunch - Bali Agung - Kids Zone pool = 2.550.000 net/pax

Safari only = 145.000 / pax
Hot deal ! Bali Safari and Marine park

Pick up and drop off at Rp.80.000 / pax

All is quoted in Indonesian Rupiah, net including as mentioned.

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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The Day of Silence

Nyepi "The Day of Silence" is a unique Balinese New Year celebration

that is commemorated every Isakawarsa (Saka new year) according to Bali's calendar, and this year, it will be on March 12th. Nyepi

On this auspicious Nyepi occasion, Sastra Bali would like to wish You and Your Team – Selamat Hari Raya Nyepi - Saka Year 1935 .

In regard to this Nyepi Balinese New Year celebration, all Restaurants will be closed from 11th - 12th March 2013. On 13th March, the Restaurants will  open for dinner. 

Kindly contact Sastra Bali for further inquiries.

Thank You

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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