Thursday, October 8, 2015

Let's Sleep Naked.

Salam / Greetings From Bali island of the Gods.

Isabeli Gets Restless Waiting for her Man
It might seem like a weird thing to do, being grown adults and sleeping naked at night. But think about it, if you don't let go of your inhibitions around home, where else will you? And if you go by a survey done in America, sleeping naked actually has amazing health advantages. Here are 5 reasons you should do it too.

1. You'll sleep better at night

Those funky boxers and PJs might be quite cool to wear, but if you haven't been sleeping too well off late, or keep waking up time and again, your clothes might be a reason. Studies have proven that the human body requires a cool environment to fall off to and stay in deep sleep. Our clothes, along with a blanket/comforter increases our body temperature. This could also be a reason why some of us stay up so late at night. Wearing pajamas, or anything else for that matter just stops the body from doing what it needs to in order to fall into deep sleep. 
5 Reasons Sleeping Naked Is The Nicest Thing You Can Do For Your Body

2. Your skin finally gets to breathe

Our skin breathes. It's the largest organ of our body. Since we wear clothes almost all the time, except for while taking a shower, we don't give our body the opportunity to breathe. It's worse for women. Wearing underwear traps yeast and bacteria in your privates, which in turn leads to an eventual overgrowth. Sleeping naked not only reduces the risk of such infections, but it also feels great! 
5 Reasons Sleeping Naked Is The Nicest Thing You Can Do For Your Body

3. Sleeping naked with your partner reduces stress levels significantly

It's a well known fact that cuddling and being physical with your partner are very good for your health. But sleeping baring it all also helps you makes things all the more better. It's a real stress buster. It lowers your blood pressure levels, and really helps getting a good night's sleep after the tough day that you both might have had. So the next time you're thinking of ways to de-stress, try giving this a shot. You'll definitely wake up as a happier, healthier person.
5 Reasons Sleeping Naked Is The Nicest Thing You Can Do For Your Body

4. It will also increase the levels of intimacy with your partner

A survey done on 1000 married couple in Britain in 2014 revealed that couples who go to bed naked were a lot happier in their relationships than their pajama wearing counterparts. Over 57% of couple who slept naked said that they were satisfied in their relationships while only 48% of the people who would wear pajamas or boxers shared the same feelings. It helps you feel closer to your partner, hence making your bond even more special.
5 Reasons Sleeping Naked Is The Nicest Thing You Can Do For Your Body

5. It also helps keeping your weight in check

If you don't sleep well at night, you wake up dissatisfied, keeping your stress levels high. Which makes us a lot more likely to binge on unhealthy, comfort foods. I'm looking at you right now, fried chicken. While asleep, your growth levels increase while the stress level cortisol decreases. In the morning your cortisol increases to give you the energy to start your day. But if you don't give your body the chance to lower stress levels, you are a lot more likely to go for something that's definitely not very healthy. Fried chicken. You. 
5 Reasons Sleeping Naked Is The Nicest Thing You Can Do For Your Body

instagram : Sastrawan_Ultraviolet


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Paket Nyepi 21 Maret 2015 Jogja 3 hari

Paket Nyepi 20-22 Maret
Nyepi 21 Maret (saka 1937)

Jogja - Prambanan Sendratari Ramayana - Borobudur - Malioboro

Santika Malioboro 3* = Rp. 4.998.500
Natour Garuda 5* = Rp. 5.988.900

Harga per Paket Wisata, BERDUA » BELUM tiket pesawat p.p. / tiket Bus Malam / tiket Kereta Api atau tiket anu?

 telfon selir di Jogja aaAaah

"Duduk di kotamu...,
Seiring laraku kehilanganmu,
...Suasana Jogjaaaa"

Matur suksma
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om

Best regards,
Gede Sastra

+6281558812345 •
03612183183 • 081-2939-12345

Mr. i Gede Putu Sastrawan
CV. Sastra Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

Sent from my Heart®
powered by GOD

Monday, February 9, 2015

Bali - Jakarta - Bali

Om Swastiastu

Salam Pariwisata !
Sastra Bali telah menunaikan wisata antar pulau sejak 1 feb hingga 7 februari lalu. Bali - Jakarta - Bali yang bisa ditempuh dengan jalur darat Bus Pariwisata, juga tentunya lebih nyaman Bali - Jakarta dengan Pesawat Tiket Penerbangan, serta wisata di Jakarta - Bandung - Jogja - Bali dengan Bus Pariwisata.

Sewa Bus Pariwisata untuk antar Pulau mulai Rp. 7.500.000 per hari isi 45 tempat duduk. Bus Pariwisata tersebut sudah ekslusif dengan pengemudi berpengalaman 31 tahun, kamar kecil toilet, fasilitas AC, TV, DVD, hiburan lainnya, serta selimut dan bantal kecil untu menambah kenyamanan berwisata jarak jauh.

Bus Pariwisata Sastra Bali ini merupakan Bus terbaru dengan emisi gas buang Euro 3 yang berarti ramah lingkungan. Bahan bakar solarnya dikonversi dengan baik oleh mesin teknologi terbaru yang mampu memberikan kadar CO2 rendah.

Bus Pariwisata untuk dalam Pulau Bali isi 45 tempat duduk, mulai dari Rp. 4.250.000 per hari. Sudah termasuk Solar dan Pengemudi serta gratis Pemandu Wisata / Tour Guide.
Wisata antar pulau / overland selain ke Jakarta, juga baik yang lebih dekat lagi yaitu Bali - Jogjakarta - Malang - Bali. Serta Bali - Bromo - Malang - Bali. Dan indah juga dengan Bali - Bandung - Jogja - Bali. Semua Pariwisata antar pulau / overland diatas rata-rata 5 hari / 4 malam. Memang lebih nyaman lagi jika 6 hari / 5 malam.

Bus Pariwisatanya sangat nyaman, baru dan selamat. Silahkan menghubungi #SastraBali untuk wisata Anda yang lebih bahagia.

Matur suksma
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om

Best regards,
Gede Sastra

+6281558812345 •
03612183183 • 081-2939-12345

Mr. i Gede Putu Sastrawan
CV. Sastra Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

Sent from my Heart®
powered by GOD

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Kesadaran Krishna

Kesadaran yang lengkap. Menjadikan kita bebas dari rasa takut. Inilah Pembebasan.

Cahaya matahari tersebar merata diseluruh alam semesta, tetapi jika kita menutup pintu rapat-rapat dan tidak keluar untuk mengambil manfaatnya, itu Adalah Kesalahan Kita.

Demikianlah halnya Sri Krishna mengundang semua manusia dan makhluk lainnya agar mengambil jalan menjadi penyembahnya yang murni disaat Sri Krishna menyampaikan bahwa Diri-Nya akan membebaskan semua umat dari segala reaksi dosa apabila berada pada jalan Tuhan.

Seperti yang disabdakan dalam kutipan Bhagavad-gitaa (18.66)

Sarva-dharmaan parityajya maam ekam saranam vraja/ aham tvaam sarva-paapebhyo moksayisyaami

Artinya :
"Tinggalkan segala jenis Dharma dan berserah dirilah hanya kepada-Ku. Aku akan melindungi dirimu dari semua reaksi dosa."

Nama suci Haree Krishna yang kita ucapkan akan menerangi hati kita dari kegelapan / kebodohan.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Raama Hare Raama Raama Raama Hare Hare

Selamat menginsafi Tuhan.

Matur suksma
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
Managing Director

+6281558812345 •
03612183183 • 081-2939-12345

Mr. i Gede Putu Sastrawan
CV. Sastra Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

Sent from my Heart®
powered by GOD