Sunday, June 12, 2016

21 Roads You Have to Drive in Your Lifetime

On Sunday, June 12, 2016 12:15 PM, "'Vaani Kapoor' [Fropki]" <> wrote:


(Please let the pics open. Might take some time on a slower connection.
If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.)

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21 Roads You Have to Drive in Your Lifetime
There's nothing like a road trip to really experience a country. From coastal highways and dizzying mountain passes, to scenic routes through national parks and bridges over great spans of water; roads are the circulatory system that connects a country. After an extensive search online, the Sifter has compiled a list of some of the most beautiful, challenging and unforgettable roads in the world.
While hardly exhaustive, this list should provide great inspiration and bucket list fodder for those planning an upcoming trip.

Click Here for Amazing Places to Travel To
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