Saturday, June 22, 2013

Singapore Haze and Malaysia Tour

News for Haze Condition


Dear All Business Partner,

Warmest Greeting from Ivy holidays !

We wish to update you on the current haze situation faced by Malaysia and Singapore.

The Department of Environment (DOE) data detected nine areas that are having poor air quality , which is currently affecting the southern part of the peninsula Malaysia and Singapore . The air pollutant index (API) reading in parts of Johor is between 150 to above 300, where Singapore had reading above the 400 mark.

In Malacca, the recordings were between 191 and 215. In Kuala Lumpur and its neighboring cities appears to be declining between 73 and 89.

This is mainly caused by the slash and burn culture which is commonly praticed in Sumatra at this time of the year. Ite is advisable to wear protective mask in the event of high API reading for a safety measure and important to increase the fluid intake.

Index readings:

A level of 51-100 is considered moderate, 101 - 200 is unhealthy, 201 - 300 is very unhealthy and API of above 300 is hazardous.

The malaysian Government is monitoring the situation and no travel warning has been issued.

Sastra Bali will be updating all our partners from time to time.

We would appreciate if your team could contact our hotline +605-8052927 for

 inquiries.Hope this could provide clarification.

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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