Thursday, August 29, 2013

Six Sense

Dear Fellows "Bhakta Brahma Visnhu Isvara" the Lord's Son,

How are you ? Have you ever heard about this Six Sense ? I guess Yes you have, correct ? Six Sense according to Sanskrit is the "Cakra level 6". Six Sense quite famous in the world of Yoga people who are achieving their inner peace ever on their lives. This Cakra level 6 as famous named on Six Sense would strengthened your decisions in what so ever you wanna be. The Six Sense of Cakra could fly your mind, body and soul to the Nirvana where the soulful peacefulness revealed.

The Six Sense is already standing by on your body which you guys are not realize it. This Six Sense is could be more active when your thought is full of surrender to all nature activities, for instance like you feels the wind blows on your cheeks, feels the blinking of your eyes, realize that you are breathing, etc. The Six Sense even could become a healing power to enhance your dignity, charisma as well as your self-confident.

The Six Sense have to be activated and those are may not be done by your self if you ant it turn on fast. You need to go to a Guru (the spiritual Master) on it. The Guru will transfer His 5 elements Energy that caused your Six Sense activated as soon as its heal. Reply us a comment or call us. Click further more

See you in Nirvana Revealed at Six Sense. God be with You, always !

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
Tour Guide

+6281558812345 • 03612183183

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

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