Monday, May 13, 2019

This country still allows tigers and elephants in circuses

Best regards,
Mr. I Gede Putu Sastrawan

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Dari: Lacey K., Care2 Action Alerts <>
Date: Min, 12 Mei 2019 16.26
Subject: This country still allows tigers and elephants in circuses
To: I Gede Putu Sastrawan <>

Trainers use whips, chains, sharpened tools, and food deprivation to force circus animals to do tricks.

Tigers, Lions, and Elephants Should Never Be Forced to Perform for Humans. Act Now to Get Animal Circuses Banned in South Africa.
Sign Now

I Gede Putu,

Bull hooks. Chains. Starvation. Torture. Fear. These are the tools used to train a wild animal to do tricks. Tigers do not like jumping through hoops that are on fire, and elephants do not like balancing on their hind legs with a rider on their back. We must stop this horrific animal cruelty now.

56 countries have banned the use of animals, particularly exotic ones, in circuses and other shows. It is not a secret that forcing animals to perform is inhumane and unethical. Because of the work that activists have done in South Africa, there are now only two animal circuses left in the entire country.

Sign this petition to demand that South Africa get rid of animal shows once and for all.

There are so many cruelty-free entertainment options. Circuses that feature human acrobatics and feats of strength have proven to be successful worldwide. And if show producers feel the need to include an animal element, holograms and puppets can be just as awe-inspiring as real animals.

Tell South African government officials that it is time to become the 57th country to ban animal shows.

Thank you,


Lacey K.
The Care2 Petitions Team


P.S. Elephants and tigers do not belong in a circus. It is time for South Africa to make a commitment to cruelty-free entertainment.

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